Individuality as Individuation.
Gilbert Simondons Process Ontology

The aim of this project is to investigate the problematic relationship between individuality and the processes of individuation: What is a technical, manufactured individual such as a machine and moreover, what manufacturing process has it undergone? Besides being a biological individual, is the human being not, at the same time, a social and psychic individual? How do biological or psychic individuals arise and furthermore, how do they interact with each other e.g. when forming collectives? Considering the possible classification of certain forms of individuality, to what extent does a physical individual distinguish itself from a biological one, or a human being from an animal et cetera?

With his main work, L’individuation à la lumière des notions de forme et d’information, Gilbert Simondon (1924 – 1989) has, in an interdisciplinary manner, given rise to the discussion of these particular questions. Herein he states a simple thesis: in order to describe the entire reality of an individual, its process of individuation of how this specific individual became an individual, has to be considered.

In pursuance to adequately describe this process, he refers to two methodical pillars: On the one hand, he analyses case studies of empirical sciences such as the formation process of crystals or machines. On the other hand, with his philosophical concepts, he attempts to avoid any form of substantialism or essentialism, which reduce individuality to a static and indivisible nucleus. In such, the processes of individuation are no longer categorically constrained, but rather distinguished in a gradual manner. In other words, the strong lines that are often drawn between physical and biological individuals, or humans and animals are thus replaced by gradual transitions. Simondon’s process orientated philosophical thinking, expresses itself in a unitary natural philosophy and distances itself from judgemental hierarchies of sciences and the individuals, they describe.

With the above in mind, the overall goal of this project is to reveal Simondon’s methodical description of natural scientific phenomena, his philosophical concepts and his unitary natural philosophy, in order to investigate the systematic and problematic relationship between individuality and individuation and furthermore, to bring a new perspective to this subject.

Olivier Del Fabbro

external page The Project is funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund.