News & Events
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The Chair of Philosophy has moved
The Chair of Philosophy has moved from Clausiusstrasse to Leonhardshalde
100th Birthday of Paul Feyerabend
Workshop, 22nd to 23rd of February 2024 at ETH Zurich
Lecture Series: Thinking Pluralisms # 3
Just Health?: Transformative Constitutionalism and Post-apartheid Democracy. A public lecture by Kaushik Sunder Rajan (University of Chicago). On October 20, 2023 from 10:15 – 12:00 at ETHZ Zurich
Complexity Lectures Spring Semester 2023
In the spring semester 2023, the Compelxity Lectures will begin on 7 March.
New Publication: "Skills, Scalpels and Robots: The Surgeon as Technician"
An article by Olivier Del Fabbro und Xavier Muller in Philosophy of Medcine